Lit Tip of the Week: Activating Schema

Digging deep! This week’s Lit Tip will provide a little insight into the academics of reading comprehension. Activating schema, or background knowledge, before reading a book is a pivotal part of reading comprehension. You will definitely hear your child’s teachers speak about this and it’s a great practice to continue at home. Before diving into any new books, study the cover, the summary on the back, or take a picture walk. Then, ask your child to think about what they already know that connects with this small preview. This simple act deepens comprehension by allowing student to connect to a character’s actions, motives, feelings, and ideas. As well as, offers a space for conversation and language development. Try this out the next time you read or see your child reading a new book!


Lit Tip of Week: Reading Stamina


Lit Tip of the Week: Music